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Improving the Quality of Life of Kenyan Households with Off-grid Solar Home Systems

Analysis of biodiversity integration into sectoral public policies

Learning lessons from the PAPBio program

Senegal - Environment Country Focus

Learning Lessons from the EU Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF)

Understanding the Mobile Disability Gap

Reaching 50 Million Women with Mobile: A Practical Guide

Increasing Civil Society Ownership of National Climate Plans

Understanding Financial Inclusion in Tunisia

Les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication et l'Education Inclusive

Monitoring & Learning System of the EU Trust Fund (Migration, Displacement & Stabilisation)

Developing Guidelines for Cash Transfers in Somalia

Kazakhstan & Pakistan: Wheat Flour and Edible Oil Industry Assessment

Mobile Money Ecosystem in Somalia

The Protection of Syrian Children en route to Europe

National Reconciliation in Libya: Baseline Survey

Improving Farmer Livelihoods Through Digitised Agricultural Value Chains

A Norms and Behaviour Change Campaign Targeting
Employers of Child Domestic Workers in Ethiopia

Child Centred Risk Assessment (CCRA) and Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis (CCVA)

Making internet-enabled phones more affordable in LMICs

Returning from Saudi Arabia

Mixed Migration in Chad

Powering Opportunity – Energising Work, Enterprise and Quality of Life with Off-Grid Solar

COVID-19 Somali High-Frequency Phone Survey

Informal Youth Employment in the Mobile Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa

Powering Opportunity in South Asia – From Work to Well-being, the Important Role of Small Scale Solar

Powering Opportunity in West Africa – The Impact of Off-Grid Solar

Mapping Rural Markets with Telco Data

Bridging the gender gap: Mobile access and usage in low- and middle-income countries

A Rapid Assessment of Municipalities of Departure of Migrants in Libya

Youth Motivations to Employment and Entrepreneurship

Libya Civil Society Mapping

To what extent are issues related to the Mediterranean marine and coastal ecosystem taken into account in operations?

Feasibility Study
on Local Production
of RUTF in Tajikistan

Digital Economy in KRI: a Market Study

Large-Scale Food Fortification Country Assessment: Haiti

Labour Market and Service Skills Assessement in Selected Locations in Sudan

Monitoring & Learning System for the EU Trust Fund for Africa, Sahel region

Creating Mobile Health Solutions for Behaviour Change

Covid-19 Impact on the Remittances in the Republic of Moldova

Pooling Aid Sector Demand for Digital Public Goods

Media and Information Sources of Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey

The Economic and Social Impact of Conflict on Libyan Women

Powering Opportunity in East Africa – Proving Off-Grid Solar is a Power Tool for Change

Powering Opportunity – The Economic Impact of Off-Grid Solar

Trade Flow Analysis (wheat grain, wheat flour & edible oil)

Mixed Migration Trends in Libya: Changing Dynamics and Protection Challenges

Livelihoods Programming in Rural Refugee Contexts

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